RIB Carbon Mast for coach boats

04 RIB CB 001

RIB Carbon Mast for coach boats

Prepreg Autoclav Carbon Tube

Various lengths and diameters available.


Divisible, 2 or 3 parts, Perfect connection

2 x Carbon Prepreg Tubes

Ø 51,0 mm / 3mm / 0000mm Sanded PLAIN,

1 x Carbon Prepreg Tube

Ø 45,0 mm/ 3,5mm / 400 mm Sanded PLAIN ,

Total Weight: 2,5 kg


We look forward to your inquiry and will be happy to provide you with an offer.

Carbon Rib Mast for coach boats

0,00 €

  • 2,5 kg
  • Temporarily not available

Carbon Teleskop Tubes

03 C T T 001

Various lengths and diameters available.

We look forward to your inquiry and will be happy to provide you with an offer.



Carbon Teleskop Tubes

0,00 €

  • 2,5 kg
  • Temporarily not available